Our Community of Heroes and their stories of courage and kindness.
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Mark Young, Truck Driver
Worked delivering propane throughout the pandemic and when home quarantined in a different place to protect his family from risk.
Submitted by: M Mac Neil
Charlene Goyetche, CCA for Home Care
Worked all through the pandemic even though she was terrified and taking panic attacks; she cares for her clients and has a huge heart.
Submitted by: Liam Goyetche
Amy Buchanan, LPN
My daughter put her and her family at risk every day to look after patients every day.
Submitted by: George Macqueen
David Evans, Captain
Works in the oil industry on a ship called the SKANDI VINLAND for DOF.... working 1 month on and 1 off, which is a difficult lifestyle at the best of times with a young family... then flights to and from Sydney decreased resulting in increased travel time to and from his job , meaning losing 2 of his days home with family. Since Covid 19 has hit, he now has to isolate 2 weeks before and after his job leaving only 1 week for family time if all goes well. This rotation he lost 2 additional days to work leaving only 5 days to spend with his 2 young girls and other family members before heading to St Johns for 2 more weeks isolation. He's been away for 8 wks + 2 wks isolation. The schedule is gruelling, following strict isolation to keep friends, family and the general public can take a toll on the strongest of people. Having your daughters, age 4 and 11, so close but not being able to hug them is emotionally and physically draining when isolating alone!!! David Evans is an unsung hero.
Submitted by: Tracey Pierre
Savannah MacArthur, Medical Lab Assistant
Savannah has been working tirelessly through this pandemic, then coming home at night to her daughter and boyfriend worrying she may carry some germs from hospital. She is tireless in efforts to ensure her family remains safe while she goes to work each and everyday.
Submitted by: Sherri MacArthur
Lori and Kitchen Staff, Rideout House Kitchen Staff
Through all that's going on, the residents of Rideout House are their main priority. They even stocked shelves with groceries that the residents could pick out items so they didn't have to leave the building.
Submitted by: Margie MacDonald
Billy Mckee, Paramedic
Billy has bin a paramedic for over 25 years. He is always there to help anyone in need. He loves his job and loves to help. He is a inspiration to his children and I and with the pandemic he is our hero.
Submitted by: Danielle Macisaac
Mike Macdonald, Backyard Mechanic
Since Covid19 began, my dad has been offering to do repairs on health care workers cars free of charge to show his support to them.
Submitted by: Melissa Cormier
Morgan Mckinnon, Nurse in a Long Term Care Home
She loves the elderly and went to work unselfishly everyday through the pandemic even though she was diagnosed as juvenile diabetic at 7 which was 23 yrs ago and was at risk. She never complains and brings a smile to everyone's face whenever she enters a room. She was born to do what she does and it comes so natural for her.
Submitted by: Heather Digou
Dr Tania Sullivan, Doctor at St Martha's Hospital
Dr Tania Sullivan is an amazing doctor. Head of the emergency department. Works tirelessly to ensure patient care. She deserves this recognition.
Submitted by: Wanda Costigan
Theresa Doucette, Heart of Gold Volunteer
Theresa helps everyone around her. She volunteers for everything and I see her at all events. She's kind and one of the sweetest people I know.
Submitted by: Sonya Boland
Crystal Blair, Restaurant Owner
She kept her restaurant open for the truckers, so they could get food for FREE, use the bathroom and have showers. When everyone else were closing their doors to these essential workers she stepped up and so did everyone who donated to her to keep this going. She is awesome!!!
Submitted by: Bev MacKenzie
Dorothy Halliday, Director Community CARES
Through this pandemic Dorothy continues to provide help to vulnerable people. She is a selfless person.
Submitted by: Eileen MacNeil
Michelle Beaton , LPN Nurse Habourside in Baddeck
Michelle is several months pregnant and was in an accident just as Covid was really starting to shut everything down. She could have packed it in and not gone to work until the state of emergency was over. But she put on her mask and kept working to provide the best care she could for her elderly patients. She's my hero through all this.
Submitted by: Melaney Mac Neil
Vikki Ford, Hairstylist at FC
This girl was so afraid of this virus that she has not gone out since March. She stayed close to home and was even afraid to go get her own groceries. But when it was time to go back to work today as a hairstylist, she knew her coworkers and clients were depending on her. She gathered an amazing amount of courage and went to work today and is doing her best. (Even though her nerves caused her to spend an enormous amount of time in the washroom). She knew people were depending on her, and she wouldn't let them down. She had offer that I would even pay her Bill's, if she stayed home. She wouldn't have it!! That's her personality, always doing for others everyday of her life, no matter what. Always making others happy, always putting others first. ALWAYS! she has shown more courage than most people I have ever known. She is beautiful and more importantly beautiful on the inside!!!
Submitted by: Brenda Ford
Alicia Marsh, Nurse on Palliative Care Unit
Alicia is an amazing nurse and did not refuse when asked to work on the frontlines during the pandemic. She is a patient and caring nurse, the type of nurse who leaves a lasting impression. When out with Alicia it's not uncommon for her to be approached and thanked by past patients and families.
Submitted by: Robyn Gallant
John Gnatiuk, Truck Driver
Picks up loads from other truckers that have come from the US or other provinces. Then he delivers those loads to local companies or takes them to North Sydney where they will go on the ferry to Newfoundland. Although he's not a health care worker, he's on the front lines keeping the community going.
Submitted by: Janet Gnatiuk
Laurel and Julie, Nurses
Rideout house is adult assisted living. These 2 particular nurses go above and beyond to help each and every resident with smiles on their faces everyday just because that's who they are.
Submitted by: Margie MacDonald
Robert S Wright, Social Worker & Mentor
Robert comes from very humble beginnings. He has inspired and helped countless lives thru his work in child welfare, black rights issues and survivors of sexual abuse. He is one of the most genuine, loving and committed men on this earth. No one is more deserving of this title hero!!
Submitted by: Belinda McMullen
Mike Keylor, Advanced Care Paramedic
Mike is a first responder who live with CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia). He puts himself out there every shift while being immuno compromised. He loves his job and being there for people. He did this while worrying about taking Covid-19 home to his wife and 3 babies more than himself. He is a hero daily.
Submitted by: Charlene Keylor
Ann Edwards, Volunteer
Ann has been a volunteer in our community for many years helping with fundraising events such as Children's Wish, Make-Wish to Grant wishes To children living with a life threatening illnesses. All while Ann has had numerous surgery's and health issues that she has been in and out of hospital many times but she always puts a smile on her face and if she medically can she will push herself to get to events. Ann is usually seen selling 50/50 tickets at such events as Wish Upon A Purse, Makin Waves concerts in Wentworth park and Hot Aug Nights.
Submitted by: Cathy Sutherland
CBRM Staff, All the Medical Staff
I just wanted to say all of the staff from the cleaning crew to all the doctors including the nurses a big thumbs up.
Submitted by: Stephen Joe
Ruth Martell, Intake Worker at the Glace Bay Food Bank
Ruth volunteers at the Glace Bay Food Bank Monday to Friday no questions asked. She is the client intake worker. She answers the phones, organizes, stocks shelves, creates orders, and sets them out every morning and makes sure everything we have is evenly divided between the clients we have for the day. She is the first face you see when you come into the food bank. She is our mother hen. She will laugh with you and cry with you. She cares about clients and makes sure that they get what they need when they walk in the door. Without her I am not sure what I would do.
Submitted by: Michelle Kalbhenn
Helen Mortimer, Director of Health Park
Early Learning Centre Helen makes sure she provides the best care for the children at her centre. She treats the staff like family and would give the shirt off of her back. She regularly donates to charity, during the pandemic she did fundraising for the food bank and raised $1100. She also personally had groceries delivered to a family in need. She fought her way to being a powerful business woman but never lost her passion for what she does, caring for children and their families, her staff and people in general.
Submitted by: Michelle O'Connell
Garbage Night Sessions, Entertainers
This trio entertained us for two hours a week for ten weeks. They may not have been on the front lines but they gave people staying home a get away for two hours as we stayed home trying to do our part to help those on the front lines. While they entertained they raised over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for different groups in the community including 48 I-Pads for seniors. Simply amazing. Thank you Jenn Sheppard - Jordyn Crocker and Steven Muise.
Submitted by: Debbie and Bill MacLeod
Noreen Smith, X-Ray Technician at New Waterford Hospital
She is my Sister and an amazing person who worked all throughout the Covid pandemic serving her community as an X-ray Technician at the New Waterford Hospital. Also in 2018 she gave up her vacation time and offered to drive my son and myself back and forth from New Waterford to the IWK Halifax so he could receive his radiation treatments for a cancerous brain tumor. I can't thank her enough. She is a Hero to us. I know she is deserving of this nomination. Thank you for your consideration.
Submitted by: Janet Fraser
Evelyn Doucette , CCA - HomeCare
Evelyn is a CCA in home care and also president of our local union. In these times of uncertainty for everyone...she has worked together with management (often behind the scenes) in keeping our staff/members safe. She has gone above and beyond for all of us. She has been and continues to field questions on a daily basis ensuring she gets the answers as quick as possible to keep us and clients of our community safe. She has also been a huge part of trying to keep morale up anxiety down among our staff of over 100+ people. She searches for ways to recognize us as frontline workers when our sector was "forgotten" about many times as far as safety protocols, PPE, and recognition go. I would love for her to be recognized for all she has done as she really has no idea how truly she is appreciated.
Submitted by: Sherri McLean
Purolator Staff, Sydney Couriers
Worked so endlessly during covid to get PPE and supplies out to those in need. They did what they needed to do for the public.
Submitted by: Kathy
Kerri Bryden MacDonald, Nurse
Kerri is not only a dedicated nurse at the local hospital, she also works with the medical examiners office, does first aid training and was the most exceptional nurse at the Donkin mine. Kerri has been a great friend to myself, my son and my family. I am so proud to have met this unbelievably hard worker. They say it takes a certain type of person to be a nurse, but for Kerri this is as natural as breathing. she will give you her shirt if you needed, her last dollar if you needed. If everyone had someone like Kerri in their life, it would certainly be a whole lot brighter of a world.
Submitted by: Rebecca B Gillis
Jessica Winter Graham, Attendant at Irving
Jessica works at the Irving on George St has been working tirelessly throughout the whole pandemic. I have seen her outside, filling people's propane for literally hours these past weeks and she does it with kindness and grace. She is quite literally one of the nicest people. She always has a smile on her face and a kind comment. I have seen absolute grumps walks away with a smile on their face after a interaction with her. It's people like her that are working tirelessly for others to be able to do many essential things. In these dark times I think it's important to acknowledge the light workers.
Submitted by: Suzi Oram
Shannon MacKenzie, Pharmacist at Lawton's New Waterford
Shannon is a pharmacist and works very hard at her job. During Covid 19, she worked tirelessly long hours dealing with the sick, the stressed and the worried! It is a tough job especially when people are under stress and drug companies are limiting prescriptions to a maximum of 30 days! So many workers worked from home but this certainly isn't possible for pharmacists. She was a member of a very caring team at work and did her best to contribute to a positive atmosphere and baking celebration cakes for team members for special occasions. Shannon is married with two young children. Shannon took extra care so as not to take the virus home to her family. She also was now responsible for delivery of educational materials to her daughter, using what was available and searching for materials, etc. She and her husband worked together to ensure home was a good place to be! Through all of this she had time for parents and family members doing what she could to ensure their health.
Submitted by: Theresa MacKenzie
Ida Donavon, Aunt
When we need love and caring my Aunt pulls through and comforts and prays with Us. She has stood by my side.
Submitted by: Lisa
Police, Fire, EMT, Nurses, Doctors, Store Clerks, Front Line Workers
To all those who were on the front line when we knew very little about it.
Submitted by: Louie Piovesan